Harry Potter...

Real Names and Real Witches

by Vicky Dillen | SOURCE

Jeremiah 3:17, 7:24...  

"At that time they shall call Jerusalem the throne of the LORD; and all the nations shall be gathered unto it, to the name of the LORD, to Jerusalem: neither shall they walk any more after the imagination of their evil heart. 24 But they hearkened not, nor inclined their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the imagination of their evil heart, and went backward, and not forward."

Many say that fables or fiction are innocent reading. However, we've shown that imagination itself reveals what is inside a heart. And there is wicked imagination, purposes and ideas and there is imagination, purposes and ideas that honor God. There are none in this world that can please God without that person knowing Jesus Christ.

J.K. Rowling's first book was called Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone and also the Sorcerer's Stone. Right from the title we have deep occult knowledge and pursuits. 

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica article on the Philosophers Stone: "The stone, also referred to as the 'tincture' or the 'powder' ... was allied to an elixir of life ... Inasmuch as alchemy was concerned not only with the search for a method of upgrading less valuable metals but also of perfecting the human soul, the philosopher's stone was thought to cure illnesses, prolong life, and bring about spiritual revitalization."

Revelation 21:8...

"But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death."

The search for the Philosopher's Stone is well known in alchemy, that is, alchemy defined by occultists as,

  "... There are three main ideas about the origin of the word alchemy. Firstly, from ancient Egyptian transmitted through Arabic 'al-khem', from the Egyptian hieroglyphics...Km.t which form the native name of Egypt, 'Chem', meaning 'black earth'. Thus one derivation of the word alchemy is the 'Egyptian art', or the 'art of the black earth'. The second derivation is from the Greek word 'chemeia', found in the writings of Diocletian, the art of making metal ingots. The third derivation is from the Greek word 'chumeia', the art of extracting juices or infusions from plants, and thus herbal medicines and tinctures....Alchemy is so multifaceted that any definition restricts alchemy to a particular view or excludes aspects that should come within the realm of the alchemical. One cannot reduce alchemy to practical laboratory work, or to interior meditative work with symbols, or to being only a spiritual pursuit. Anthropological, Jungian, esoteric, history of science, semiotic, or other interpretations, are only ways of looking at alchemy. In recent years some people have tended to use the term in a very broad sense. Definitions of alchemy tend to reflect individual's underlying philosophical preconception. Perhaps it is best if we found our view of alchemy on the body of alchemical writings, the manuscripts and printed books that constitute and embody the alchemical tradition. This body of alchemical knowledge, preserved in many libraries throughout the world, is probably the securest foundation on which to build a view of alchemy. [Alchemy Faq> http://www.levity.com/alchemy/faq.html

One website asks, "Superconductivity And Modern Alchemy Has The Philosopher's Stone Been Found?" and presents these heretical and blasphemous thoughts.

"....A new line of thought consumed David Hudson. He read over 500 books on alchemy and its history. He reread the Bible, finding many references to the white powder. He talked to Rabbis well versed in the ancient secrets of Judaism who told him of "white powders" available only to the priests of Solomon's Temple. This is referred to as "manna," food of the gods. Hudson's research has led him to believe that ingesting the manna enabled the priests to approach the Ark of the Covenant without being killed.

In his lecture, Hudson gave fascinating details about the Ark and a scientific explanation behind the manna's protection. He also discussed where the priests obtained their formula for making the white powders and how this formula was lost after the Temple was destroyed. He explained his theories about the Essenes and why he thinks Mary was given the white powders of gold in preparation for the conception and birth of Jesus.

Nostradamus predicted that by 1999 "occult gold" would be known to science. Other prophecies indicate the discovery of this "occult gold" would be made by a direct descendant of the Davidic blood line. According to the book, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, the Davidic blood line is continued today in the French de Guise family name. Long after his research into the white powders began, David Hudson discovered he was a direct descendant of this French family. [David Hudson 1995>http://www.eclecticviewpoint.com/evhudson.html

Another article discussing Hudson and the Philosopher's Stone, stated:

Spiritual Powers of the White Powder

Hudson said that the naturally-occurring white powder is comprised of all the precious ORMEs in rather fixed proportions. (At least from his ores.) He stated that each ORME affects a different gland (seal) of the body. Ancient literature says that the white powder of gold effects the seventh seal (the pineal gland), other white powders effect other seals. Hudson believes that proper spiritual usage would require that you take all the elements in their naturally-occurring proportions. That's what the Egyptians did.

Hudson pointed out that the ancient Egyptian literature only discusses the white powder of gold. Yet, the powder which was found in the pyramids contained all the monatomic elements in the expected percentages. The dominant element was rhodium. He believes that the reason that the Egyptians only mentioned gold was because they were simply unaware of the other elements. [The White Powder >http://monatomic.earth.com/contributed/white-powder-primer.html]

Hence, the first book in the Potter series is based on the very real occult activity of searching for immortality, based on real witchcraft and occult teachings. On the back cover of the book is a picture of a wizard holding a book with nothing less than a pentagram on it, and the background is covered with stars shaped like upright pentagrams, which symbolizes the power of witchcraft. The pentagram, called the great Rite in witchcraft, is one of the main symbols in witchcraft and occultism. Used in ritual magic, divination, the conjuration of spirits, casting spells and summoning demonic help, it is not simply part of a cute drawing. When the pentagram points skyward, it's denoting witchcraft, while if the point is downward it is signifying Satanists. The view of the pentagram on the book is pointing down, meaning that it is for black magic rites, calling Satan and so on. This is not light fluff. This is real to occultists.

Rowling's penchant for 'making up names' isn't really about deriving original names. Rather, names are found from mythology, folklore, other works of fiction, and from real people, towns or occult sources. Rowling presents actual witches as heroes in her works of fiction. The best example is found in the Chocolate Frogs trading cards.

"Chocolate Frogs have cards inside them, you know, to collect - famous witches and wizards. I've got about five hundred....Ron was more interested in eating the frogs than looking at the famous Witches and Wizards cards, but Harry couldn't keep his eyes off them. Soon he had not only Dumbledore and Morgana, but Hengis of Woodcroft, Alberic Grunnion, Circe, Paracelsus and Merlin. He finally tore his eyes away from the druidess Cliodna, who was scratching her nose..." [pp77-78]

Cliodna was the daughter of a High Druid and is also the Banshee/Beansí of the O'Keeffe clan and is a faery Queen in Southwest Ireland. She is also noted as being the Goddess of beauty and the otherworld. Circe was a sorceress in Greek mythology who turned people into swine. 'Hedwig' was a medieval Catholic Saint whose marriage to Duke Henry 1 of Silesia united Silesian history through German influence. From the Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume III "....she gave her support to new monastic foundations and assisted those already in existence....She was interred in the church attached to the monastery, and was canonized by Clement IV, 26 March, 1267, and on 25 August of the same year her remains were raised to the honours of the altar. Her feast is celebrated 17 October; she in honoured as the patroness of Silesia...." [St. Hedwig >http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/07189a.htm

Alberic [Grunnion], a Wizard on a Chocolate Frog Trading Card, was the king of the dwarves in Wagner's 'Ring of the Nibelung'. 

Nicholas Flamel, a real historic sorcerer, plays a key role in the book. Referring to the trading card of Albus Dumbledore, we read:

"Dumbledore is particularly famous for his defeat of the dark wizard Grindlewald in 1945, for the discovery of the twelve uses of dragon's  blood, and his work on alchemy with his partner, Nicolas Flamel'!...'Nicolas Flamel,' she whispered dramatically, 'is the only known maker of the Philosopher's Stone!'...She pushed the book toward them, and Harry and Ron read: The ancient study of alchemy is concerned with making the Philosopher's Stone...the stone will transform any metal into pure gold. It also produces the Elixir of Life, which will make the drinker immortal...the only Stone currently in existence belongs to Mr. Nicolas Flamel, the noted alchemist...Mr. Flamel, who celebrated his six hundred and sixty-fifth birthday last year, enjoys a quiet life...'A stone that makes gold and stops you ever dying!' said Harry. 'No wonder Snape's after it! Anyone would want it.'" (pp. 160-161 )

Yes, occultists and those who seek after eternal life without Jesus Christ do desire immorality. They would 'be gods.' Note that Harry presents the emotional response that 'anyone' would want it. Our hero desires immortality through actual occult means. 

Towards the end of the book, we are presented with the promotion of suicide as an honorable way of helping others. Flamel and his real wife Perenelle have killed themselves to hide the secret of the Philosopher's Stone, with Flamel being the significant age of 666 years. 

...Dumbledore smiled at the look of amazement on Harry's face. 'To one as young as you, I'm sure it seems incredible, but to Nicolas and Perenelle, it really is like going to bed after a very, very long day. After all, to the well-organized mind, death is but the next great adventure." (p.218)

From the Testament of Nicholas Flamel (also written Flammel)--"...and after the death of my faithful partner Perenelle, am seized with a desire and a delight, in remembrance of her, and in your behalf, dear nephew, to write out the whole magistery of the secret of the Powder of Projection, or the Philosophical Tincture, which God hath willed to impart to his very insignificant servant, and which I have found out, as thou also wilt find out in working as I shall declare unto you...." http://www.levity.com/alchemy/testment.html

Around 1361 Flamel found an occult book called "The Sacred Book of Abraham the Jew, Priest, Levite, Astrologer and Philosopher to that Tribe of Jews who by the Wrath of God were Dispersed amongst the Gauls." On a trip to Spain in 1382, Flamel supposedly met a Jew who explained the "mysteries" of this text to him. He returned to Paris with the alchemist keys and became wealthy. In speaking of the Book, Flamel, wrote that only a Cabalist could understand it's meaning.

 "....Upon the first of the leaves was written in great Capital Letters of Gold: Abraham the Jew, Prince, Priest, Levite, Astrologer, and Philosopher, to the Nation of the Jews, by the Wrath of God dispersed among the Gauls, sendeth Health. After this it was filled with great execrations and curses (with this word Maranatha, which was often repeated there) against every person that should cast his eyes upon it if he were not Sacrificer or Scribe....no man could ever have been able to understand it without being well skilled in their Cabala, which goeth by tradition, and without having well studied their books..... These Hieroglyphic figures shall serve as two ways to lead unto the heavenly life: the first and most open sense teaching the sacred Mysteries of our salvation; (as I will show hereafter) the other teaching every man that hath any small understanding in the Stone the lineary way of the work; which being perfected by any one, the change of evil into good takes away from him the root of all sin, (which is covetousness) making him liberal, gentle, pious, religious, and fearing God, how evil soever he was before, for from thenceforward he is continually ravished with the great grace and mercy which he hath obtained from God, and with the profoundness of his Divine and admirable works....Let him, therefore, who having well weighed my words, and well known and understood my figures, hath first gotten elsewhere the knowledge of the first beginnings and Agents, (for certainly in these Figures and Commentaries he shall not find any step or information thereof), perfect, to the glory of God, the Mastery of Hermes, remembering himself of the Church Catholic, Apostolic, and Roman; and of all other Churches, Church-yards, and Hospitals; and above all of the Church of the Innocents in this City, [Flammels' Hieroglyphics >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/flam_h0.html

".... The Ancient Sages that were Cabalists, have described it in their Metamorphoses, under the History of the Serpent of Mars, which had devoured the companions of Cadmus, who slew him, piercing him with his lance against a hollow Oak..." [Flammel's Hieroglyphics Chapter III >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/flam_h3.html]

Occult encyclopedias state that legend teaches that Flamel and his wife faked their deaths and are still living. Which, would be why Rowlings showed Flamel alive and well working with Dumbledore, also a sorcerer. Honored as an adept by occultists, January 17 is 'his day'. "Nicholas Flamel is listed as one of (the Prieuré de Sion's) Grand Masters and January 17 -- given by him as the date on which he achieved the Great Work -- is a day held sacred by them, a day specially set apart to honor alchemical perfection." [Lynn Picknett and Clive Prince, Turin Shroud: In Whose Image? The Truth Behind the Centuries-Long Conspiracy of Silence, HarperCollins Pub., 1994, p. 99]

Paracelsus (1493-1541) is also an icon of modern day witches and wizards! He was also  an alchemist, that is, a sorcerer and was famous for reviving the use of Talismans.  Albert Pike wrote in his Masonic "Morals and Dogma" that:   "The Hermetic Art is, therefore, at the same time a religion, a philosophy, and a natural science...we must inquire for its processes of Paracelsus [and] Nicholas Flamel..." (p.774) According to Pike, the goal of magic is to master the universe by learning the principles of divine creation. That is, in effect, the holy grail of Freemasonry, according to Albert Pike. To that end he turns to the occult. And Pike is a true occultist, fluent in its history and arcane philosophies. 

The Morals and Dogma preceding pages to this quote deal with the goals and methods of the occultists in ages past, specifically focusing on Hermeticism, Gnosticism, Kabala and alchemy, taking up the ancient occult quest of mastering the creative principle of the universe, or in effect, man becoming god, or co-creator of the universe.

"...Creation is the habitation of the Creator-Word. To create, the Generative Power and Productive Capacity must unite, the Binary become Unity again by the conjunction... 

To be always rich, always young, and never to die: such has been in all times the dream of the alchemists. ...

to possess the universal medicine and elixir of life; such is the problem to be resolved, in order to accomplish the desire and realize this dream.... 

The Great Work is, above all things, the creation of man by himself; that is to say, the full and entire conquest which he effects of his faculties and his future. It is, above all, the emancipation of his will, which assures him the universal empire of Azoth, and the domain of magnetism, that is, complete power over the universal magical agent." (pgs. 772, 773)  

"The whole Hermetic Science (magic) is contained in the dogma of Hermes (ancient), engraven originally, it is said, on a tablet of emerald... 

The Hermetic Art is, therefore, at the same time a religion, a philosophy, and a natural science. As a religion it is that of the Anient Magi and the Initiates of all ages; as a philosophy, we may find its principles in the school of Alexandria and the theories of Pythagoras; as a science we must inquire for its processes of Paracelsus [and] Nicholas Flamel, and Raymond Lulle. 

The science is a real one only for those who admit and understand the philosophy and the religion; as its process will succeed only for the Adept who has attained the sovereignty of will, and so become the King of the elementary world; for the grand agent of the operation of the sun. is that force described in the symbol of Hermes, of the table of emerald; it is the universal magical power; the spiritual, fiery, motive power; it is the Od, according to the Hebrews, as the Astral light, according to others."

Paracelsus is mentioned in the Seek God article The Legend of Hanukkah when referring to the Talisman of Saturn:

"Theophrastus Paracelsus revived, in the XVIth century, the ancient doctrine of Talismans, which he claimed to be able to use successfully in the treatment of illnesses and accidents. This medical doctrine, derived from the Cabala, or secret tradition of the Jewish rabbis, was said to be borrowed from the ancient occult sciences of Chaldea and Egypt. The talisman (tsilmenaia) signifies an image, a figure, and was engraved in the form of an emblem or symbol on metals consecrated to the genii of the seven planets. This magical task had to be carried out at a fixed time of a certain day, with the firm intention of attracting to the talisman the beneficent influence of the genius which was invoked, whether for health or any other protective measures... 

It's very noteworthy that students of Hogwarts engaged in the use of talismans for protection, as described,  "...hidden from the teachers, a roaring trade in talismans, amulets and other protective devices...evil smelling green onion, a pointed purple crystal..." [p.139, Chamber of Secrets] 

Paracelsus is also discussed in the Seek God article Practical Kabbalah: Talismans and Masters of the Name

Gershom Scholem suggests that while many created the "golem" from the earth, others were able to produce the "creature" by "influx of the alphabet"--out of thin air. Many stories recount that the "golem" was made to "work" or accompany the adept, although few "golem" are reported to have the ability of "speech". Polish stories particularly focus on the 'golem' as a mute worker who was able to follow commands. According to Scholem (p.172), it was this parallel in Jewish golem and alchemy that finally led to Paracelsus' idea of the "homunculus." These wax or clay figures were employed in back magic to inflict injury on enemies.

The Basilisk, a giant creature with snake-like features and in the Chamber of Secrets, was presented as coming from the Slytherin statue, which came alive when Voldemort/Riddle spoke to it in snake language. If it looked in Harry's eye, he would die. Basilisk is another name for the Philosopher's Stone. [Names >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/gratacol.html] Meaning, that the symbol of Satan--a serpent, offers immortality or the Elixir of life. 

This takes one back to the Garden of Eden, and those most destructive words in Genesis 3:1 "Now the serpent was more subtle than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. And he said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden?...4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil." 

Jesus said in John 10:27 My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me:
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand."

Jesus spoke to those who would not believe who He was and rather followed after Satan and his lies and false promises, by saying in John 8:43 Why do ye not understand my speech? even because ye cannot hear my word. 44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it."

Further about the Basilisk, also from the Alchemy website >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/home.html

"....the herb Squilla or the Onion, is good against evil spirits and night apparitions. For Plinius, speaking of this herb, saith that Pythagoras wittnesses that when they hang onions above the entrance of the door, that it drives away all evil spirits that would enter the house. Of the Weasel which carries rue in his mouth, all naturalists relate that it provides himself therewith against the Basilisk and all venomous snakes, and this is the opinion of some of the ancient....The Basilisk, as it is written, is a sort of snake. Whereof, not only the breath, but also the sight, are infectious. And the creatures which are killed by her poison, are not touched by other creatures; how hungry and gluttonous soever they may be. And if by mere hunger they do touch the same, they die immediately. Wherefore, the Basilisk is avoided of all other creatures, how poisonous soever they may be, as surpassing all other creatures by her poison; as AEtius and Plinius relate...."[Iconologia >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/iconol03.html]

Another site provides further connection of the Basilisk to Paraclesus and sorcery. "THE AURORA OF THE PHILOSOPHERS. BY THEOPHRASTUS PARACELSUS. "...Others have purified the white and yolk of eggs; from which has been generated a basilisk...." [Aurora >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/paracel3.html

The Dragon is considered by some alchemists to be superior and stronger than the basilisk. [Book of >http://www.levity.com/alchemy/lambtext.html] The dragon of course is a reference to Satan.

In occult lore, which Rowling presents, a Basilisk is the creature created when a chicken's egg is hatched by a toad on a bed of dung, and to have a three-pointed tail, glittering eyes and a crown on its head. It must be hatched during the days of Sirius the star. It's glance is said to be lethal, and could only be destroyed by watching it in a mirror. This belief is related to the myth of the Gorgon's head. In the East , its body was supposed to be a mixture of cock, snake and toad. According to Diel, this projected image of the human psyche is clearly infernal in character, as is shown by it's threefold attributes (it's three-pointed crest and trifurcated tail) since they are an inversion of the qualities of the Trinity; and also by the predominance of evil components, such as the toad and the snake. It is one of the many "keepers of treasure" mentioned in legend. [Burns p.133-134]

It's important to note that the Hogwarts School Crest has the images of a Lion, a serpent with a trifurcated tail and holding a leaf in it's mouth, a badger and an eagle which looks more like a phoenix.

The Witch Morgana found on the Chocolate Frog Trading Cards, figures into the King Arthur legend.  According to the legend, Morgan le Fay, or Morgana, was the witch in the castle that Wart and Kay encountered with Robin Wood (Robin Hood), Maid Marian, Little John, and the merry men to rescue Friar Tuck, the Dog Boy, and an old man named Wat. Morgana was the child of the Duke of Cornwall and Igraine, the woman Uther Pendragon seduced to have Arthur.

She was also linked with the Goddess's Macha and Morrighan of Ireland.  In Welsh tradition Morgana is the daughter of Avallach or Avalloc, king in the Otherworld. The concept of the Otherworld was central to the religion of the pre-Christian Celts and is the same as the parallel world Rowlings presents Harry Potter and the wizards in. It is the realm of quest and achievement, of challenge and encounter, of initiation and enlightenment. Mystics travel there through meditation. "'One of the chief recurrent images of Celtic mythology and legend is a visit to or from the 'Otherworld' - a realm somehow detached from this present world, or at most times, to all but a chosen few, invisible. It may be visibly cut off by ocean, river, lake, by mountain rock, or by mist, or hidden within the mountain itself. Sometimes it can only be entered by the overcoming of a test or through the sustaining of a mortal wound. Always cut off by some sort of barrier from the world of earthly existence.'" "'Within the 'Otherworld', archetypal forces are perceptible, essential wisdom teachings are available to those who have the right keys." "'The 'Otherworld' has its own valid reality which is not accessible to the five senses, though it is appreciable by the sixth. It is often spoken of as a state of consciousness.' Islands were regarded as particularly sacred with their role as gateways to the Otherworld and Boats are viewed as starting the journey through the gateway to the otherworld. [otherworld > http://www.lundyisleofavalon.co.uk/mythology/otherworld.htm] This is noteworthy as new arrivals to Hogwarts travel across the lake in boats. 

Albus Dumbledore, who is presented as being over a hundred years old and a great wizard, wrote the letter telling Harry of his place at Hogwarts, and had listed his titles as "Headmaster, Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., [sorcerer], Chf. Warlock, Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards." [p 42] A warlock is a male witch. A Sorcerer is a witch. 

Albus' is Latin for 'white'. It is also one of the figures of geomancy, an ancient divination method, with Feng Shui being the Chinese method. Geomancy is any system of divination (an attempt to get in touch with the divine) related to manipulation of the earth. Caput Draconis, Latin for 'dragon's head, is one of the figures of geomancy, and a password to the boys rooms at Hogwarts. Other Geomancy figures include Fortuna Major, and Rubeus, all of which also appear in H.P as characters or passwords. [Astrological Geomancy by Anthony Louis>http://www.accessnewage.com/articles/astro/TLOUIS4.htm

According to a Geomancy website, 

"Geomancy had its heyday in the Renaissance during Western Europe's transition from the medieval to the modern world. It's most famous spokesperson was Henry Cornelius Agrippa, born in 1486, and author of several texts in Latin on occult philosophy. Agrippa's attitude toward geomancy was ambivalent. Although he wrote the major geomantic text of the period, he commented on his own work and about the "common geomancy" of his predecessors, "I too have written a geomancy quite different from the rest but no less superstitious and fallacious or if you wish I will even say 'mendacious.'" Nonetheless, Agrippa appears to have practiced and written extensively on the subject. 

By the time Agrippa wrote about geomancy, it had undergone an evolution. No longer were the marks on the earth interpreted in their own right; now they were used in combination with a horoscope wheel depicting the twelve astrological houses." [Astrological Geomancy by Anthony Louis> http://www.accessnewage.com/articles/astro/TLOUIS4.htm

Agrippa was also a Wizard on a Chocolate Frog Trading Card. Henry Cornelius Agrippa > http://www.english.upenn.edu/~jlynch/Frank/People/agrippa.html--noted Alchemist and mystic...the Rosicrucian manifestos, The Fame and Confession of the Fraternity of R: C: commonly, of the Rosie Cross. ... 1652 "....the Improvements of this fatal Invention are not known even to the present Generations, for the Pyrography of Cornelius Agrippa,....The second Philosophical work is commonly called the gross work, but 'tis one of the greatest Subtitles in all the Art. Cornelius Agrippa, knew the first Preparation, and hath clearly discovered it, but the Difficulty of the second made him almost an enemy to his own Profession. By the second work, I understand not Coagulation, but the Solution of the Philosophical Salt, a secret which Agrippa did not rightly know, as it appears by his practice at Malines, nor would Natelius teach him, for all his frequent, and serious entreaties....' [Rosicrucian Manifestos] http://www.levity.com/alchemy/vaughanp.html

'Dumbledore' is the Old English for 'bumblebee, and the French word 'dore' means 'golden'. In the occult, and Masonry, the bee is sacred to the goddess Venus. In Greece, they served at the greatest Greek festival in honor of Demeter, the Queen Bee, celebrating the return of Persephone from Hades; they are associated with rebirth and are an accepted symbol of generative power. It is also considered a symbol of the soul influenced by the Sun and possessing immortality and spiritual telepathy. [Burns p. 135] Dumbledore is portrayed as having extensive telepathy and awareness of what was happening without being in person. It was shown in the battle with the basilisk, by his sending Fawkes the phoenix and the sword which Harry pulled from the hat--(no different than the Sword and the Stone, only Harry/Arthur could pull it out)--although he was not physically present to see what was taking place.

Besides being listed on the Trading cards, Merlin is important to sorcerers and Arthurian legend. In the Potter books Dumbledore, of the Order of Merlin, is considered an equal to Voldermort in power. The Order of Merlin signifies the allegiance to the Druidic concept of Merlin. "....the Ancient Druidic state the Druid was teacher of truth and the dispenser of justice. As teachers they taught that the light of intelligence destroys the darkness of superstition and ignorance, hence the first precept of Merlin, the great Druidic teacher, “Labor diligently to acquire knowledge for it is power.”..." http://www.neopagan.net/UAODbooklet.HTML

New Agers revel in Merlin lore and Arthurian legends, and there is a current practice of calling "forth the spirit of Merlin from King Arthur's Court.". Merlin of Arthurian legend may have been a real person, but in the fable is a magician, seer and is still a wizard/witch and considered the most famous and revered Druid throughout Druid history. A so-called "prophetess" on the Internet distributed an entire book called Prophecies of War, which were channeled by none other than the Angel Merlin. 

According to one website Merlin was, "The wizard who brought together the two who were to become the parents of the most famous king of Britain, Arthur. King Uther Pendragon fathered on Igraine, wife to Duke Gorlois of Cornwall, and Merlin took over the youth's rearing, after his father was killed. Merlin is credited with the building of Stonehenge, and the fashioning of the Round Table. Born himself under dubious and uncertain circumstances, Merlin eventually fell in love with Nineve, the daughter of a Siren, and taught her how to bind him magically to her, so that he remained forever in the enchanted wood with her." http://www.clubi.ie/lestat/ofgodsm.html

Another website states, The Story of Druidism: History, Legend and Lore 1.3

There may have been a real Merlin, such as the one Nikolai Tolstoy describes in Quest for Merlin:

“...Merlin was indeed an historical figure, living in what are now the lowlands of Scotland at the end of the sixth century A.D...an authentic prophet, most likely a druid surviving in a pagan enclave of the north.”

A Merlin prototype may have been the Celtic druid (Lailoken) who gained second sight after he went mad and escaped society to live in the forest. A poem from 600 describes a Welsh prophet named Myrddin. [Ask Jeeves: The History Net>http://ancienthistory.tqn.com/library/weekly/aa042898.htm]

Many would claim that Merlin lore and Druidism is based on true Christianity. From a website about the Druids, 

"United Ancient Order Druids, U.A.O.D... Our truths come directly from the Bible, and the HIDDEN KNOWLEDGE of our ancient ancestors. Many of these sacred teachings were kept symbolically in the legends of Saint Merlin of England, so that the hidden, true meaning of Christ could be concealed from the profane masses, yet revealed to the deserving few through our mediation. Our rituals reflect our Ancient Brethern's efforts to bring true Christianity to heathen Europe, and the persection they suffered as a result of the SACRED MISSION....As Sir Knights, They fought for the oppressed, and taught morality to the barbarians. They began missions to spread knowledge and light to the masses, through the teachings of St. Merlin and our "Red Fez" prophets. By teaching THE SEVEN PRECEPTS OF MERLIN and THE SEVEN STAR POINTS, they were able to redeem those who put into practice these sacred commandments, making them free from all sin. We are proud to carry on the tradition of SERVICE, PURITY, and VIRTUE, following the teachings of the Magi, Magus-Jesus, Merlin, and the Angel of Light and Knowledge..." http://www.geocities.com/caldruids/

The Phoenixmasonry site provides the same information as above and also lists The Seven Precepts Of Merlin > http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/

First: Labor diligently to acquire knowledge, for it is power.

Second: When in authority, decide reasonably, for thine authority may cease.

Third: Bear with fortitude the ills of life, remembering that no mortal sorrow is perpetual.

Fourth: Love virtue-for it bringeth peace.

Fifth: Abhor vice-for it bringeth evil upon all.

Sixth: Obey those in authority in all just things, that virtue may be exalted.

Seventh: Cultivate the social virtues, so shalt thou be beloved by all men

[Seven precepts> www.phoenixmasonry.org/masonicmuseum/fraternalism/druids.htm]

It is very important to note that Focus on the Family, Christianity Today, Chuck Colson and many others also recommend the writings of Tolkien and C.S. Lewis as a way for children to grow spiritually. Chuck Colson suggests, "...they inspire the imagination within a Christian framework -- and prepare the hearts of readers for the real-life story of Christ." In those writings we find mention of the same Merlin mentioned above, equated to Christ. As has been stated in the previous articles, we're to have nothing to do with fables. For Chuck Colson See: Evangelicals and Catholics Together

In C.S. Lewis's Space Trilogy, the third book is called, "That Hideous Strength." In a nutshell, the book is about the redemption of Thulcandra (Earth) from the clutches of the Bent One, the Oyarsa of Thulcandra, who is supposedly Lucifer. It’s set in a small town called Edgestow, the home of Bracton College, just after the end of WWII. Certain Fellows of Bracton College engineer the sale of Bragdon Wood, which houses the living body of Merlin, his body preserved from aging by magic, to N.I.C.E., the National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments. N.I.C.E. is a wicked group of scientists researching use of technology to rule mankind, who think Merlin's magic powers would be helpful.  They obtain the land with the purpose of disinterring and reviving Merlin and using his powers for evil. Jane Suddock's psychic powers are used to help locate Merlin and also provide information about N.I.C.E. Once discovered, Merlin’s ancient wizardry, linked with the power of the Eldil, (angels), defeat the evil N.I.C.E. in a wicked and bloody climax.

The reader is supposed to equate Merlin with Christ, who defeats Lucifer and evil. How blasphemous! That Merlin, who is revered by occultists as a druid, sorcerer, witch, wizard and every abomination thinkable, is viewed as Christ and that witchcraft and psychic powers parallel the saving power of Jesus Christ is wicked at best. For those who say children should just read Lewis' Chronicles of  Narnia books, we have the same menu with witches, elves, Bacchus, false gods, and so on, all being part of the stories.  

The Narnia plot revolves around the "White Witch" who has bound the land of Narnia in a perpetual winter which can only be broken by the coming of Aslan, who is supposed to represent Christ. However, no rendition of any Scripture is found in these tales except if one compares the practices of paganism and witchcraft which God calls an abomination to Himself. Lewis could not have known Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Of the many blasphemous statements he has made in his writings, probably one of the worst is found on page 276 of C.S. Lewis: A Biography, by Roger Lancelyn Green. Lewis stated, "I had some ado to prevent Joy and myself from relapsing into Paganism in Attica!  At Daphni it was hard not to pray to Apollo the Healer.  But somehow one didn't feel it would have been very wrong - would have only been addressing Christ sub specie Apollinis."  

1 Corinthians 10:20-22, "But I say, that the things which the Gentiles sacrifice, they sacrifice to devils, and not to God: and I would not that ye should have fellowship with devils.   Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.  Do we provoke the Lord to jealousy? are we stronger than he?"

In Crosswalk.com's weekly updates email, sent out December 26, 2001, the entire issue was devoted to praise and promotion of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. 

Tolkien, a devout Roman Catholic, who wrote The Lord of the Rings, he later said, to give England her own myth. Patrick W. Curles wrote in Tolkien's Impact in Literature and Life, 

Tolkien saw myth as the exact opposite. His great friend C. S. Lewis once objected to Tolkien that, “...myths are lies, though lies breathed through silver.” “No,” said Tolkien, “they are not.”

There are truths, Tolkien said, that are beyond us, transcendent truths, about beauty, truth, honor, etc. There are truths that man knows exist, but they cannot be seen - they are immaterial, but no less real, to us. It is only through the language of myth that we can speak of these truths. We have come from God, Tolkien said, and only through myth, through story telling, can we aspire to the life we were made for with God. To write and/or read myth, Tolkien believed, was to meditate on the most important truths of life.
...It was Tolkien’s view of myth that that most aided C. S. Lewis in his pilgrimage to accept Christianity. All the other myths of the world, Tolkien said, are a mixture of truth and error - truth because they are written by those made by and for God - error because written by those alienated by God. But the Bible is the one true myth. It is a true accounting of truth, while everything else we do is mimicking. This perspective was decisive in Lewis’ conversion to Christianity.
....Tolkien and Lewis ... were together at least three times per week: on Tuesday mornings and Thursday evenings with the other “Inklings” (a literary circle of friends), and at least one other day for lunch. Tolkien wrote, “Friendship with Lewis compensates for much, and besides giving constant pleasure and comfort has done me much good from the contact with a man at once honest, brave, intellectual - a scholar, a poet, and a philosopher - and a lover, at least after a long pilgrimage, of Our Lord.”...

Jeff Robinson of the Baptist Press News Service, wrote in the article 'Lord of the Rings' has ring of Christian Lord, about James Parkers view of the Lord of the Rings movie.

In a lecture on the life of Tolkien, James Parker, professor of worldview and culture at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, said the movie will serve as fruitful viewing for Christians.

"He operates out of a thoroughgoing Trinitarian worldview and (he) says that very explicitly, plainly and bluntly on several occasions," Parker said Dec. 5. "He has a traditionalist Catholic worldview, which means his doctrine of God, his doctrine of the Trinity and his Christology were totally orthodox.

"I have differences with him because of his positions on soteriology (the doctrine of salvation) and ecclesiology (the doctrine of the church). But in terms of his Trinitarian formulation of the doctrine of God, there would be no differences (between Protestants and Catholics) because of his historical orthodox expressions of those doctrines. In fact, he says himself that 'The Lord of the Rings' grows out of this fundamental belief system."

It was Tolkien who, as a professor of Anglo-Saxon language at Oxford University, led a colleague to embrace Christ in 1929. The colleague was C.S. Lewis, who would go on to become a stalwart apologist for the Christian faith. Lewis also wrote a Christian fantasy series, "The Chronicles of Narnia," along with apologetic works such as "Mere Christianity," and "The Problem of Pain."

It was Tolkien's view of myth -- that it is always grounded in the reality of the transcendent God, (even if subtly) -- that ultimately shattered the barriers to Christianity for Lewis.

"Tolkien did not mean by 'myth' that it is defined as 'non-historical,'" Parker said, "but that it exhibits certain characteristics, certain ideas, recurring themes such as the dying and rising God, the sense of the moral universe behind things.

"Lewis said when he read the Gospels, he felt like he was reading a myth because it contained mythical elements. But ultimately, he knew it was fact. This was the 'true myth' that was absolutely true and historical."

But can the Tolkien movie bridge the gap between Christians and non-Christians in a way that will enable believers to proclaim the saving Gospel of God? Parker feels confident that the movie -- with its patently theistic world, albeit a make-believe one -- will do just that.

"The moral universe will do that," he said. "If they are really into Tolkien, you can go back to the 'Silmarilion' and the view of God which comes through there. And you can contrast that with other views in say, 'Star Wars' (with its impersonal, pantheistic 'force'), or even Harry Potter, as far as that goes.

"Also, the sense of providence that goes through it -- there is a sense of providential oversight in 'The Lord of the Rings' that is inexorable. You have all these individual players whose roles are not lessened by the overarching providential drive of the story."

First the Catholic view is not the Biblically sound view. Difference in salvation?? There is only one way to God, through Jesus Christ.  Second I've been to Tolkien sites--and most --unless Christian already--deny that Tolkien ever intended a Christian meaning. And they quote from his words as well. In the previous articles it has been discussed in-depth why fables and myth are not of God, nor tools for presenting Jesus Christ. Just because someone wrote that it is okay--does not make it okay with God. Every word used by Tolkien to describe promoting his fables is directly against the Word of God. As stated in Harry Potter & Every Imagination of the Heart:

"As discussed in our article Have Nothing to Do With Fables or Old Wives Tales, we are told to have nothing to do with fables, that is, "2. an untrue story; falsehood 3. A legend, Myth."  

The Greek word for 'fables' is found in Strong's Concordance as 3454. muthos, "perhaps from the same as 3453 (through the idea of tuition); a tale, i.e. fiction ("myth"):--fable 

Paul warned in 1 Timothy 1:4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do."

We have clear Biblical instruction to not be involved with fables, myths, fiction and so on. It does not say we can read fables and be edified. It does not say we can read or write fables and learn sound doctrine from them or use them as an evangelism tool. It says to have nothing to do with fables. This cannot be confused with Christ teaching in parables, which some have tried to say is the same thing. If it was the same thing, we would not have been given these very serious warnings and commands to have nothing to do with fables. A Parable, which Jesus used frequently, is a short story of everyday life used to teach a moral by comparison or by implication. According to Strong's Concordance, it is "an earthly story with a heavenly meaning." Jesus taught the truth with situations that could easily be applied in our own lives. He did not immerse those stories in witchcraft and false gods, nor did he purvey lies of the occult. Those who propagate the idea that a fable is the same as Christ's parables are misinformed and Biblically inaccurate.

Crosswalk which is the mouth piece of ecumenical evangelicals, presented the following article from Amy Hollingsworth, a Home-schooling mom. She advocates Tolkien, Lewis and Rowling as worthy authors for Christian families.

Escape from the Hobbit Hole, by Amy Hollingsworth; Professor, Author and Home-schooling Mother: Learn life long lessons from Tolkien--and say yes to adventure.

Crosswalk.com HomeSchool Channel

"....Opponents of fantasy say that it creates an unreality that’s not healthy for kids.  I say it gives them an outlet to express very real fears and concerns.  And so it was with The Hobbit.  When I picked it up from the library shelf one day, I thought my kids and I would enjoy it for a few weeks and then be done with it.  But five months later, we were still reading.  Not because it’s an enormous book (my husband read three Tom Swift books to my son and daughter in the time it took me to read The Hobbit to them), but we were savoring it, letting its images linger, unwilling to depart from Tolkien’s great imaginative world any sooner than we had to.

The focal point of the novel is a diminutive creature named Bilbo Baggins.  Bilbo is a hobbit, a creature with hairy feet, a fruity laugh and a preference for safety and routine (adventures, after all, “make you late for dinner”).  That all changes one day when a wizard named Gandalf and thirteen dwarves show up at his hobbit hole.  The Tookish part of Bilbo (a less respectable branch of the family tree, one that actually succumbed to adventure from time to time) is slowly awakened.  Bilbo is hired as a burglar, to steal back the treasures hoarded by the dragon Smaug.  En route, he and the dwarves run into all kinds of obstacles:  trolls, wolves, elves, goblins, giant spiders, a bear-man and an amusing little creature named Gollum (who hisses and refers to himself as “precious”).

Besides giving Jonathan an outlet for his fears, The Hobbit also gave his imagination a jumpstart.  Usually a prolific writer, Jonathan had hit a dry spell for nearly half a year.   But The Hobbit had sparked a revival, and Jonathan was again trusting in his ability to create—although he did borrow freely from Tolkien’s images and style.  He sat at the computer for hours (even forgoing a few football games with friends), composing an epic about a character named Gnome.  Unlike Bilbo, Gnome was a rather tall fellow; like Bilbo, Gnome had a dislike for adventure (“He preferred to work in his office,” Jonathan wrote). 

...When he wasn’t content with the plot he was weaving, Jonathan started on a second story, this time Gnome had an alter ego, a boy named Steven (yes, the name of his friend who questioned our choice to learn at home).  He originally wrote Steven as a sort of bad guy—he grabs the mayor by his shirt collar in one scene—then changed his character to the hero...Jonathan also realized that to become a great writer you have to read great writers.  He noticed that when he began to write again, he borrowed not only from Tolkien, but also from two other favorite authors:  J.K. Rowling and Clyde Robert Bulla.  I was quick to point out (with perhaps more relish than was called for) that none of the novels adapted from the Pokémon movies made it into his mix. ...As I looked back over the last months, I realized what an impact that little guy had had upon my little guy.  Bilbo had encouraged Jonathan to start writing again, to trust his imagination.  Bilbo had broken the Captain Underpants curse, and Jonathan was choosing to read C.S. Lewis’ The Magician’s Nephew instead.  And Bilbo gave Jonathan the courage to confront a dragon of his own, one who twisted words to make him doubt. 

The fact that this mom advocates all the witchcraft, and occult imagery as a positive pursuit has been addressed already. Her statement, "Bilbo had encouraged Jonathan to start writing again, to trust his imagination," takes us back to the imagination and the imagination of the heart. The heart is desperately wicked, and imagination is not to be trusted. Children are just as able to think about and be part of sin as adults. Children are to be 'trained up in the things of the Lord.' This hardly qualifies. 

Psalm 1:1, "Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful. 2 But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night."

Rather than trusting the writings of fables, witchcraft, myth  and the occult for sound doctrine and direction, I prefer Jesus words, 

Matthew 7:18-21, "A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.  Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.  Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.  Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."



Thank you Vicky for such needful Research information! 



Copyright . All articles are the sole property of SeekGod.ca and Vicky Dillen



Harry Potter is of the Devil!

Harry Potter CENSORED!

Ye Must Be Born Again!